There are many affordable extras that will make your Food2Go product meet your needs and specific operation even better.
You can find them all here!
There are many affordable extras that will make your Food2Go product meet your needs and specific operation even better.
You can find them all here!
Food2Go Tray Holder keep the GN 1/1 trays in place. The tray holder has a easy fold down feature for smooth transportation. This o...
Food2Go Tray Slide facilitates easy tray movement when serving customers. Also, the model has an easy fold down feature for smooth...
Food2Go Condiment Holder is a frame to be put on top of the mobile serving platform. This allows for storage of utensils, condimen...
Food2Go Dustbin Holder allows for easy attachment of a bin or a plastic bag for waste. The frame is attached to the Tray Holder (a...
Food2Go Ergo Drive+ Motorized Chassi is a further development of ScanBox motorized chassis. The major difference is that Ergo Driv...
Food2Go Countertop Slots is standard on Food2Go and stabilizes the canteens on top of the serving platform. This option is suitabl...